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By Nick W. – Update – May, 2024

From Chronic Pain to Breakthrough Relief: The Natural Device That Gave Me Back My Life!

Neck Kailo

“Imagine owning a device that could turn off your pain like a light switch…”

My journey with back pain began in my late 30s. Although I had experienced occasional discomfort in my back and neck before, the frequency of these episodes started to escalate, causing me great concern.

Initially, I attributed the pain to stress, assuming it would subside over time. Unfortunately, the opposite occurred—it intensified.

Gradually, my back and neck pain began to dominate my life. It affected my productivity at work, diminished my presence with my family, and drained my energy levels completely.

After enduring several months of persistent yet moderate pain on a daily basis, I decided to seek medical advice. The doctor prescribed medication to alleviate the symptoms, and initially, I accepted this solution as the only viable option available to me.

However, after a few years, the prospect of relying on daily pills became tiresome and burdensome. The medications left me feeling groggy and weak, not to mention their potential for addiction and the alarming side effects they carried, including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and even more serious conditions such as ulcers, hypertension, and heart-related issues.

Moreover, the medications had a sedating effect when I desired alertness, making it equally challenging to lead a normal daily life while combating the pain.


Frustrated with the limited results achieved through various “alternative solutions” I had attempted, including therapy, massages, chiropractic care, and even a back brace, I found myself at an impasse. Should I resign myself to being essentially a “legal drug addict,” or should I accept a life burdened by constant pain? It seemed that regardless of the path I chose, I would only be living half a life.

Can you relate to this struggle?

Now, envision a scenario where you could alleviate your back pain from the comfort of your own home—in just a few minutes—without resorting to painkillers or incurring the expense of lengthy massages

Wouldn’t you be able to savor life’s precious moments so much more without the incessant, nagging pain?

For me, the answer was a resounding “Yes, absolutely!”

Finally, I stumbled upon a remarkable breakthrough device that is transforming lives for those in need of pain relief anywhere on the body.

For the first time, you have the opportunity to naturally and effectively alleviate your pain—safely, effortlessly, and quickly. All thanks to the revolutionary new device known as Kailo.

How Does Kailo Work?

It’s difficult to put this simply, but I’ll give it a shot:

When you experience pain, it’s typically the result of electrical signals being sent from the location of the pain to your brain. The worse the pain, the stronger the signal.

Kailo microcapacitors communicate directly with the brain’s electrical system, telling it to “turn down the volume” of the pain signal (like a “bio-antenna”). This allows your brain to send help, reducing the pain immediately.

What’s inside Kailo?

Let’s take a look inside Kailo’s innovative, licensed technology. It was invented as a leading-edge antenna technology and in a EUREKA! moment was discovered to also help relieve pain. So what’s inside a Kailo? What makes it work?

1. Carrier Layer – This non-conductive layer is made from a special kind of synthetic polymer that works as a base for the particle mixture. The laminate helps to protect the particles from friction and water damage.

2.Microparticles – This is the layer that interacts with the body’s electrical system. It contains billions of charged microcapacitors that work as an antenna, assisting the body in clear communication and reducing the signals that cause pain.

3.Substrate – The microparticles are flood coated with a patented substrate that holds everything in place to create a dust-free and water-tight seal.

If you’re familiar with TENS or other widely-used electric therapies, then Kailo probably doesn’t seem so strange to you (it’s similar – just easier to use, more affordable, and less invasive).

Who is Kailo Good For?

Honestly, everyone can benefit from Kailo because we all experience some kind of pain at one point or another. Here are some of the things Kailo can help relieve:

When you first put on Kailo, you’ll feel relief right away… and if you’re like me, you’ll scream “WHOA, it works!” and leave it at that. But I learned a neat trick from other beta testers: even if you feel good, keep trying new placements!

Just like placing a TV antenna, you can actually move your Kailo around and FEEL the relief improving – and eventually, you’ll find your “sweet spot”. I thought mine was in a good place at first, but then I found an even better spot!

I suffer from back pain, and I have tried pretty much everything under the sun… yet nothing gave me lasting relief. But now I have Kailo – and I’m so grateful for it.

Of course, I know what you’re thinking: it still sounds like science fiction, or even nonsense. That’s the reaction I get from most people… until I let them try mine. You really have to experience it to believe it.

Best Pain Relief

What Else I Love About Kailo

+ It’s All Natural, Fast, & Easy to Use – Kailo is 100% drug-free, simple and easy to use, and can provide sweet relief within seconds!

+ Its Been Scientifically Tested, Proven, & Doctor Recommended – Clinical trial results proved measurable reduction in pain, patients reports no side effects, and 97% of patients were extremely satisfied with Kailo.

+ It Doesn’t Need Batteries or Charging – Kailo does not have a battery and doesn’t require any charging. It’s always ready when you need it most!

+ It Has Zero Side Effects – unlike harsh drugs and pain pills, Kailo has ZERO side effects and can be used everyday as much as needed.

+ It’s Flexible, Soft, and Comfortable – making it easy to apply and use anywhere on the body.

+ It Has Whole Body Benefits – clinical trials have proved significant improvement in mood, sleep, activity, relationships, and quality of life overall!

+ You Can Take it Anywhere – since it’s compact, lightweight, and discreet you can take and use Kailo anywhere!

+ It’s Waterproof – Kailo can be left on while showering and swimming without losing stickiness or falling off.

+ It Saves You Money – Kailo is reusable and each unit lasts up to 2 months, saving you THOUSANDS throughout the year that you would have spent on physical therapy, chiropractors, pain pills, and massages

+ It’s Made in the USA – Kailo is proudly designed, engineered, and manufactured in Utah, USA.

+ Their 90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee – if for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with Kailo, you can easily return it, hassle-free!

As Seen In


Where to Buy Kailo?

The best thing about Kailo is its affordability without compromising on quality!

Kailo doesn’t just offer an appealing price point; it’s incredibly effective. Its user-friendly design requires no complex instructions. Maintaining it is a breeze – just clean it with a damp cloth. What’s more, Kailo promises durability that can last for years. The best part? There are no recurring costs like refills or batteries, and it’s a drug-free solution. Essentially, Kailo is a one-time investment for long-term relief.

For genuine Kailo patches and to avail of the 90-day money-back guarantee, I’d recommend purchasing directly from the official website. The manufacturers are confident in the effectiveness of their product, which is why they’re offering you a chance to try it risk-free.

Real Reviews From Real Customers:

Tammie W
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I have struggled with nerve pain down my left leg for 30 years...but it was intensified in 2016 after spine surgery. My niece introduced me to Kailo and I'm sure you know my immediate thought (after 30 years of pain)...sure, I'll try it but don't expect miracles. Within minutes, I felt relief and requested my children get me one for Christmas. Bless my children as they gave it to me at Thanksgiving. I am PAIN FREE and feel so much younger and fit. Your product truly saved my quality of life, if not my life itself. Sincerely appreciated daily.
Crystal A
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I just ran down to the mailbox to grab my Kailo patches and OMG… my son has been experiencing awful knee pain for months, but within seconds of putting the Kailo on him, he said IT’S COMPLETELY GONE! Thank you!
Cary P
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I had lung surgery 5 years ago and have been in pain every day since (nerve damage they say). I've tried physical therapy, acupuncture, cryotherapy, several nerve pills but the only thing up until Kailo that helped cut the pain was Oxy. I've been wearing two Kailo patches now for about 2 months and haven't taken a pain pill the entire time. THANK YOU KAILO!
Monica S
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This is an amazing product. My husband and I are using the Kailo patch for different aches and pains that come with age, and found that this patch works wonders. We are so grateful and delighted with this product that we have bought a few more patches to give to our family and friends. I'm sure they'll be also telling their friends to it, too. Thank you so much
Melody S
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Living with pain for an extended amount of time, not getting results from doctors visits and tests, it became very frustrating. I’m invited for dinner at my sister’s house one night and it becomes life changing as she wrapped a Kailo around my ankle. Moments later I felt warmth and the pain I had experienced for years subsided. After a few days, I could go without using it for a day or so. We have found it to help with headaches, cramps, back pain and neck pain. It has helped my friends and family with hip pain and knee pain and even worked to make the pain of passing a kidney stone tolerable. It works...It is simply miraculous
Rob F
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My wife has had persistent problems and pain in her shoulders and upper arms. It was causing her to be unable to sleep. Both she and I were extremely skeptical, to say the least. Just the other night, we tried out the tips and found the right spot for placement. It was pretty obvious because she slept through the night and hasn't taken the Kailo patch off since. Drugs didn't help and neither did a cortizone shot. But Kailo worked like a charm.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: If you want to try Kailo yourself, read this first!

After using Kailo for a few months, my back pain is down to just 2/10 on bad days. Sleep has improved, and I feel amazing!

If you’re thinking of trying it out, right now is the perfect time to do it! For a limited time, Kailo is offering a deal that when you buy a bundle of patches, you’ll get up to 40% OFF + free adhesives and a soft carrying case. Even better, they’re offering a 90-day risk-free trial – so you can see it for yourself.

Trust me, if you’re in pain and tired of nothing working or taking medications every day, then you have to try Kailo. If you don’t love it, no sweat, just get a refund – but if it works like it has for me, you’ll have a new (natural) best friend in pain care that will work for years. Go for it!

Update 2: Exciting Opportunity to Experience Kailo

I am thrilled to announce the recent launch of Kailo Flex, offering an affordable way to experience the world of Kailo. Kailo Flex maintains all the features you love about Kailo but at half the price!

Now, you can try Kailo Flex with a 30-day, money-back guarantee.

Get Kailo Flex In Here!

Don’t miss out on this chance. Even i’m not sure when this offer might end.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Do the patches ever “wear out?”

    We guarantee the Kailo Original Patch for one year. When treated properly, they can last even longer before needing replacement (which makes them a great value). No other pain relief product on the market offers so much potential for a one-time purchase

  • How long can I wear Kailo?

    You can wear the Kailo patch for as long you’d like. Some customers take it off once the pain subsides, while others wear it all day, every day.

  • How long do the results last?

    As long as your Kailo patch is properly placed, it will continue to give you immediate pain relief. We’ve also found that there is a lasting effect even after the Kailo patch is removed.

    Many customers report wearing the patch for a week and the positive effects lingering for days after removal. We also have many examples of customers experiencing relief for up to an hour after wearing the patch for just a few minutes. It likely depends on the kind of pain, the health of the person wearing it, and the placement technique.

  • How long do the adhesives last?

    Each adhesive can last through several applications depending on the placement location and the person’s skin type.

  • Do you plug Kailo in? Is there a battery?

    Kailo does not have a battery and doesn’t require any charging.

  • Can Kailo get wet?

    Yes. Each Kailo is formed on a waterproof polyester substrate and is covered with a dielectric coating. They have been tested for water-resistance and full submersion. After use in water, simply dab it with a clean, dry towel and allow it to air dry.

  • Can the Kailo help with back pain?

    The short answer is YES! You can finally experience the back pain relief you’ve been searching for. The Kailo pain patch works with your body’s natural electrical system to turn down your pain receptors so you can feel good again and smile at life. You won’t believe the back pain relief you can find with Kailo pain patches — until you experience the pain relief yourself. Kailo is the best pain reliever for back pain.

  • Can the Kailo help with knee pain?

    Absolutely. Knee pain is one of the most common uses for our customers and it can quickly relieve pain in seconds.

    Here are some recent testimonials from our customers:

    “My mother has told me that Kailo has helped with pain in her knee that hasn’t been able to dissipate for years. I definitely can see the value in the little miracle.” – Nick A.

    “Kailo has helped my friends and family with knee pain and even worked to make the pain of passing a kidney stone tolerable. It is simply miraculous.” – Melody S.

  • Can I use Kailo if I am pregnant or have a pacemaker?

    No. Kailo should not be used when pregnant or if you have a pacemaker.

  • Does Kailo help relieve menstrual cramps?

    Most women experience menstrual cramps at some time during their life — and for many, the pain is excruciating. Painful periods can disrupt life and force you to miss work, lose sleep, and say no to opportunities to enjoy friends, family, and activities.

    Kailo can provide instant pain relief for your menstrual cramps. Even those time-of-the-month back cramps, migraines or headaches, and abdominal pain.

  • Where is Kailo made?

    We’re based in the heart of Silicon Slopes, Utah. Kailo is designed, engineered, and manufactured in Utah — the birthplace of television, artificial heart, electric traffic lights, and Frisbee. We’re proud to be part of the innovative, hard-working, and kind culture of the Beehive State.

  • When can I expect my order?

    We ship all orders within 24-48 hours of receiving them! On average our product is delivered within 7-14 days in the United States. For orders outside the USA, please allow 15-20 business days for delivery. Thank you for your patience!

  • What if Kailo doesn’t work for me?

    Kailo is far more than just a business for us, it’s changed thousands of lives already. We offer a no-hassle, 100% money-back guarantee. If you feel Kailo isn’t working for you within 90 days,​ we’ll gladly take it back. Before returning your Kailo, we would love a chance to make sure you’ve found the correct placement. Over 90% of our customers have found an increase in comfort. Our goal is to help everyone get relief.

  • Is Kailo’s technology patented?

    Yes! Although originally developed for use in high-tech applications like antennas, signal transmission, bio-identification, and energy storage, Kailo’s patented tech works just as well for helping the brain communicate with disrupted areas in the body!

  • Will I have to pay any additional customs, duties or VAT fees when I receive my order?

    Depending on your country, it is possible that you will be charged one or more of these fees when you receive your order.

    Please note that all international orders are charged in US dollars. International charges are based on the standard exchange rates between your currency and the US dollar at the time of purchase or refund

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